It’s Not You. It’s Your Office
Clutch Design Studio at Denver Startup Week
September 20, Clutch Design Studio and a team of expert panelists will join forces at Denver Startup Week to discuss the nuances of effective office design.
It’s Not You. It’s Your Office.
Friday, September 20 | 2:00-3:30 PM
As workplace design and functionality continue to evolve, workers increasingly experience the “office” (and associated amenities) as part of their employment benefits, and are willing to shop around for an environment that feels good, looks good, and serves their personal and professional needs.
This panel is about how we create environments that people want to spend time in.
In the last five years, we’ve seen sweeping changes in office design.
– The blurring line between “home” and “office”
– The adoption of open offices
– The rise of spec office design, creative leasing options, co-working facilities and satellite locations
– The amplification of technology, amenities and aesthetics
These changes extend beyond the parameters of “trend” and are instead reflective of sociocultural shifts, advancements in technology and engineering, and new models for work and workplace. But the rapid change has earned us rapid feedback, and we’re learning as much about what works, as we are about what doesn’t. This panel looks at architecture, amenities, furniture, design and technology for its potential to
– Advance productivity
– Attract and maintain talent
– Articulate corporate culture
– Foster connection and well-being
From the design to the amenities, the location to the lease terms, we’re rethinking the modern office: what works, what doesn’t, and how to find/craft/develop environments that are worth leaving home for.
Our panel will be moderated by our very own Matt Robertson.
Ben Wright, Founder of Upsuite, an online platform that provides access to the largest, most thoroughly researched and constantly updated coworking inventory available.
“An effective office environment is a flexible office environment. It grows, shrinks, and can even relocate as the needs of businesses change, which in today’s economy, is faster than ever.”
Andy Paterson, Sales Director for Haworth, a leading office furniture company focused on the power of modular workspaces to inspire innovation and enrich productivity.
“Haworth believes that an effective office must be flexible and offer a variety of workspaces for all employees. One size does not fit all! A combination of workspaces that offer social spaces and private heads down work areas allows for the greatest productivity.”
Kristen Tonsager, Head of Interior Design for Clutch Design Studio, an elite group of Architects on a mission to create incredible additions to the built environment.
“If people don’t feel good in their workspace, they will leave to find something that better fits their preferences and philosophies. Our goal is to create environments that benefit the organization within by promoting individual and collective well being.”
Adam Ownes, Principal of CET & Associates, an Independent Manufacturer’s Representative firm that specializes in offering unique products and solutions to the residential, commercial, and industrial construction sectors.
“As the modern workplace evolves the surroundings should as well. With the introduction of adaptive and flexible workspaces the office needs to be thought of differently. Through the utilization of natural light, dynamic lighting, and creative furniture designs we can create a compelling office environment that attracts top talent and premium tenants.”
Maggie Smith, General Manager of Shift Workspaces. Barnhill, Founder and CEO of Shift Workspaces. “We support the journey to working smarter, living better, and finding the balance between the two.”
“Your culture is your business plan. Instilling a positive environment from the top down starting with your team sets the tone for the experience felt within your office space.”
Josh Marinos, COO of FORMATIV, a dynamic real estate development & economic development consulting company specializing in transformative urban projects and catalytic business ecosystems in Denver and nationally.
“Give the people what they want in a future proofed environment.”
Mike Milligan of PerformanceOffice, an architecture and planning company with a broad portfolio of beautiful, modern and sustainable wall systems that make it possible for designers to strike the perfect balance between public places and private spaces.
“Connection makes for a feeling of safety, and safe cultures are successful cultures. Transparency in all its forms is the first way to create a feeling of safety for a team. It isn’t necessary to be 60” from the next colleague to feel connected. A nod and a smile through the glass can go a long way toward a feeling of connection and common purpose.”
Our panelists will provide attendees with questions to ask, points to consider, and challenges to evade in the quest to find/build/create office environments that foster productivity and growth for the individual and the company alike.
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